Q9: Can I filter and check the class timetable of a particular subject type?
Yes, under “By Subject” option of the eStudent “Subject Search”, you can choose the option “Category” and retrieve the class timetable for a particular subject type.
Q8: How to check the Programme Timetable?
You should choose “By Programme” option under Subject Search and choose the department hosting the programme in the field of “Programme Hosting Department” and then select the Programme. For example, to check the class timetable of “26001-ACN”, ...
Q7: Why is there discrepancy between the class timetable shown in eStudent and the one I received from Department?
The class timetable shown in eStudent contains information known as of the released date and any changes made after this day will not be captured. Please contact your programme offering department for clarification.
Q6: Why is there no record in my personal class timetable?
The personal class timetable will only be available if you have registered subject(s) for the semester. If you have not yet performed subject registration, you may check the class timetable by subjects or by programme via the eStudent “Subject ...
Q5: How to reset my NetPassword?
You can gain access to the “Forgot NetPassword” function under “PUSecure Identity Portal”.
Q4: What is “For Every (Week)”?
This indicates the frequency of the teaching activity. If a tutorial is held for every “2” weeks with a start week and end week of “3” and “11” respectively, students are required to attend the tutorial classes in weeks 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.
Q3: What is “End Week”?
This shows the last lesson of the teaching activity. If the end week of a lecture is “11” and is scheduled on Friday, this means the last lesson of the lecture is held on Friday of Week 11. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for details of the ...
Q2: What is “Start Week”?
This shows the commencement week of the teaching activity. If the start week of a lecture is “3” and is scheduled on Friday, this means the first lesson of the lecture is held on Friday of Week 3. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for details of ...
Q1: When can I check my class timetable?
The class timetables for Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Term are scheduled to be released around late July, late November and mid-February respectively. Notices to Students will be issued nearer the time.