Waitlisting Function
Q52: Can I switch my waitlisted subject group?
No, you are not allowed to waitlist another subject group when you are already on the subject waitlist. If you really want to do so, you may drop the waitlisted subject group concerned and submit a new waitlist request subsequently. Nevertheless, ...
Q51: What’s the execution frequency of the auto-top up process?
The auto-top up process runs every 30 minutes from the first day of the Subject Registration Period till the end of the Add/Drop Period. The last round of auto-top up process will be executed at 24.00 after the end of the Add/Drop Period. All ...
Q50: I am on waitlist position number one of a subject. Does it mean that the system will register the subject for me in the next round of auto-top up process?
Please be reminded that waitlisting is not a guarantee of enrolment into a class. When a vacancy becomes available, the system will automatically register the subject for you if you have passed the validation checks. You will receive an email ...
Q49: I would like to register LEC001 and TUT002 under Subject Group 1000 of a subject. Both LEC001 and TUT002 have vacancies but my subject group 1000 has no vacancy so I cannot register directly. What should I do?
It may because both LEC001 and TUT002 are sharing teaching components of two subject groups e.g. Group 1000 and Group 2000, the vacancies shown are reserved for students of Group 2000 from another programme. As there is no vacancy for your subject ...
Q48: Can I waitlist two subjects with time clashes?
Yes. For example, if you have waitlisted two subjects i.e. subject A and subject B respectively, when subject A has been successfully registered through auto-top up process, waitlist request for subject B which has time clash with subject A will be ...
Q47: If a subject has two subject groups available for me, e.g. Group A and Group B, I am on the waitlist for Group B class, can I still register Group A class if there are vacancies?
No, you are not allowed to do so. You have to drop your waitlist request for Group B class before registering the Group A class.
Q46: Can I opt to waitlist another subject group/teaching component of a subject when I have already registered the subject?
No, you are not allowed to do so. However, you can switch the subject groups/teaching components when there are vacancies.
Q45: What if I want to waitlist a subject which has time clash with my registered subject(s)?
You are not allowed to do so unless you drop the registered subject(s) concerned. Nevertheless, please be reminded that waitlisting is not a guarantee of enrolment into a class.
Q44: Where to know my waitlist position of a subject?
You can check your waitlist position on the confirmation page after you have confirmed your subject selection(s). Alternatively, you can visit your subject registration page again and check your waitlist position via eStudent > My Subject ...
Q43: How can I drop a waitlisted subject?
You can press the rubbish bin button next to the subject and click ‘Proceed to Preview’ to confirm the change. The detailed steps are as follows: Step 1: Press the ‘rubbish bin’ button and then ‘Proceed to Preview’ button Step 2: Check your request ...
Q42: How many combinations of teaching components per subject can I opt for waitlisting?
You are only allowed to select one combination of teaching components per subject. If you wish to change your combination of teaching components of your waitlisted subject, you should first drop your existing waitlist request and submit a new request ...
Q41: How can I know if a subject is enabled for waitlisting?
You can check the relevant information at eStudent > Information > subject search > Select the ‘Academic Year/Sem’ and search the subject > refer to section ‘Subject Group Details > Waitlist available if no vacancy: Yes/No. Alternatively, if a ...
Q40: When a vacancy becomes available, how does the auto-top up process take place?
When a vacancy becomes available, students on the subject waitlist will be registered automatically corresponding to your position on the waitlist. The system will execute the following validation checks before the actual subject registration takes ...
Q39: How can I waitlist a subject?
During the Subject Registration Period, the Adjustment before Semester Commencement Period and the Add/Drop Period, you can select subject(s) which you intend to take. When a class enrolment is full and it is available for waitlisting (as indicated ...
Q38: What are the requirements to waitlist a subject?
To waitlist a subject, you need to check that The subject group is offered to your programme in the semester concerned; The subject group is open for waitlisting as indicated by the subject offering department You have not yet exceeded the maximum ...
Q37: When will the waitlisting function be available?
The waitlisting function will be available throughout the Subject Registration Period, the Adjustment before Semester Commencement Period and the Add/Drop Period. For details about the subject registration schedule, please refer here.
Q36: What is waitlisting?
Starting from the subject registration exercise of 2021/22 Semester One, when a class enrolment is full and it is available for waitlisting as indicated by the subject offering department, you will be placed on a waitlist for the subject concerned ...