Q82: How to gain admission to the Fast-track Programmes?

Q82: How to gain admission to the Fast-track Programmes?

There are two entry routes: Year 1 Entry and Year 3 Entry. Admission is subject to the fulfilment of the entrance requirements. Below are the general entrance requirements for Fast-track Programmes. Some Fast-track Programmes may have specific programme requirements. For details, please click here.

Entrance Requirements
Year 1 Entry

1.       JUPAS (Local): At least Level 5** in 2 subjects and with HKDSE Best 5 score of 26 or above (Conversion scale: 5**=8.5; 5*=7; 5=5.5; 4=4);
2.       Non-JUPAS (Local) and Non-JEE (Mainland and Non-Local-Non-Mainland): IB score of 39 or above (or equivalent); OR
3.       JEE (Mainland): Total score within the Top 3% of the province of the examination year.

Holders of other qualifications should approach their programme offering Department for the specific entrance requirements.
Year 3 Entry

1.       Attained a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.30 or above at the end of Semester 2 of Year 2; AND
2.       Recommended by the Programme Leader.
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