Q49: I would like to register LEC001 and TUT002 under Subject Group 1000 of a subject. Both LEC001 and TUT002 have vacancies but my subject group 1000 has no vacancy so I cannot register directly. What should I do?

Q49: I would like to register LEC001 and TUT002 under Subject Group 1000 of a subject. Both LEC001 and TUT002 have vacancies but my subject group 1000 has no vacancy so I cannot register directly. What should I do?

It may because both LEC001 and TUT002 are sharing teaching components of two subject groups e.g. Group 1000 and Group 2000, the vacancies shown are reserved for students of Group 2000 from another programme. As there is no vacancy for your subject group, you are advised to waitlist this subject and the system will register the class for you via the auto-top up process when vacancies are available.

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